Patent funding
Patent Funding: Your Source for Patent Litigation Funding

Patent Valuation Services

Sometimes a patent owner needs to know the fair market value of a patent, patent family, or patent portfolio. When a patent is being sold, it is important for both the seller and buyer to be able to agree on a fair selling price. When a business is sold, and that business owns one or more patents, knowing the fair market value of the intellectual assets of the company can help determine a fair market value for the enterprise.

Sometimes estates have to be valued for probate or other legal reason and knowing the fair market value of the patents in the estate will help determine the value of the entire estate.

When a venture capitalist invests in a business that owns patents, the fair market value of those patents is a critical consideration. When a business takes out a loan against its assets, its intellectual assets - its patents - need have a professional, third-party valuation.

A select number of business offer patent valuation services. Some offer multiple patent valuation services that include a lesser or more intense analysis of patent value.

When you seek a professional valuation for the patent, patent family, or patent portfolio, be sure you are dealing with a firm that is also a patent broker, so knows exactly what patents sell for!

Free Patent Broker Referral Service

To locate a patent valuation services firm that can provide a professional valuation of your patent, patent family, or patent portfolio, just complete this form. Be sure to include your e-mail address as we will e-mail you this information.
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Free Patent Valuation Q&A
Submit your patent question and your e-mail address, and we will
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Disclaimer: The Patent Funding Referral Service and Patent Funding Q&A are free services offered by Patent-Funding.Com. We assume no responsibility for the services offered by the patent funding sources we refer to visitors to our website. We are making courtesy referrals to prospective funding sources. Users of our service should make the same considerations before doing business with a patent funding source that we refer them to as they would make before doing business with any other financial or professional services provider. Also, the answers we provide to patent funding questions are meant to be helpful and informative, but by no means definitive. Users of this service are welcome to consult other sources for answers to their patent funding questions.


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